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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bringing In The New Year


Well, this has been, by FAR, the best year of my entire life.

I have:

1) Worked two jobs without getting overwhelmed or so sick that I had to quit
2) Met the guy of my dreams
3) fallen in love with this guy I’ve been waiting for my whole life
4) God called me to go to school and see my guy every day
5) I get to learn about my Jesus every day at school
6) Improved my relationships at home with parents and siblings, both
7) Become best friends with my sisters
8) Fell in love
9) Moved to Wisconsin for school
10) Started the adventure of dating my wonderful boyfriend
11) Passed ALL my classes at school
12) Learned a little more about life and people.
13) Just one more year to seeing my Lord and savior
14) Made LOTS of new friends
15) Made this year different because of a different attitude towards life
16) Rode my first roller-coaster
17) Drove 9 hours by myself
18) Added 3 more states to my "have been to's"

I may not have enjoyed every single aspect of this year, but it was definitely the best year I have ever had and I can honestly say that I can not wait to see what the year 2012 brings and what the Lord brings into my life.
Starting on January 1st of 2012, I am starting a new Bible study with this amazing man of mine and we are reading the Bible in a year. Chronologically.  I am so excited to see how the Lord will use this in my life to better and further my relationship with Him and others, my prayer life, and life in general.

My new LIFE’S resolution: Love God. And love others. Live life. Love life. Be a doer and not a hearer only. But listen, as God leads.

New YEAR’S resolution:
Read the bible in a year successfully
Forget about ice cream
Stay away from corn products and corn syrup in soda’s.

Seems simple, right? Sure, but it never is. I will need my God’s grace to get through everything I encounter from now, till the end of my life.

My prayer is that I will become the woman God has called me to be - according to His excellent purpose and will for me.

I also have quite a few books on my reading list for this year.

This list includes, but is not limited to:
Radical Together
Preparing To Be  A Help Meet
Re-read: A Woman After God’s Own Heart
The Bible

I pray 2012 will bring some heat, so we may all learn. As a smart person once wrote “ No pain, no gain”.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
(John 16:33 ESV)