Blog Archive

Thursday, July 26, 2012

blessings through affliction

This time last year I had so many decision to make; whether or not I should go to school and seek out God's will for my life, stay here and continue working aimlessly. I made a decision, though. Based on faith in Christ and in His sovereign hand in my life. He taught me so much through choosing Him and making the hard decision to follow blindly to the state of Wisconsin for a year and trust He knew what He was doing in my life. Leaning on Christ was the hardest, most exciting, rewarding thing in my spiritual walk I had done up till that point. Independence, yet being dependent on God, makes your faith, trust and love for Christs stronger than you can imagine, but God doesn't stop there. He never will. He will always keep pushing, pulling, shoving, and dropping you out of His comfortable nest, to see us fly and learn that new isn't always bad. The tough things in life always seem to be the most peace-offering.

This time last year, I was scared about the following year and what God would allow in my life, making me stronger in my walk. I never could have imagined the heart break I would feel in the up coming times, but the Lord is gracious and always exceeds my expectations. Always.

Long, rocky roads are only rocky for a time. Time is a great healer, or so I've heard. Wounds hurt deep, but are never healed in vain. God's grace abounds. He said it would! I can only praise God for the blessings He brought into my life through the pain I have been allowed to feel and go through. I can definitely think of harder situations or differing scenarios  than those I went through, and I will be the first to say, my God loves me. This, I know!

Recap: Yes, I may feel like I am back in my own aimless world of last year before my life changed forever, but I have changed. Therefore, I can change my look on my situation and know that I am not without hope. I, occasionally, feel like I am waiting around with nothing to do until God brings another road to walk, but shame on me for thinking He doesn't have me here, right now for something just as great. Maybe in my life, maybe in someone else's. That doesn't matter. My God reigns. What right do I have to be so selfish as to think He may bring a situation in my life that only I may benefit from? None! Almighty God can do all things.
And He will do the best for me and I will attempt to be my best for Him.

Because I love Him.
Praise Him for His excellent greatness! (Psalm 150)

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