Blog Archive

Monday, September 19, 2011

My Week...

Has been GREAT! One of the best ever recorded in my life, actually. First of all, I know I have mentioned at least once of this random guy that I "met" a few months ago(six months and one week, to be exact!) and I started talking about and to him quite a bit. We had talked about dating....a lot. And started getting quite attached to each other...
I ended up able to attend the college he is currently at studying to by a Youth Pastor. I was excited and all. And so was he. Although I was worried, God had it all in His hands and we got through the initial shock of being able to see each other everyday. Well, sort of...I am still not quite USED to it. I hope I never "get used to it" because I love getting to be with him.
Anyway! The reason for this post is sort of an update. On, him, me....and now...US! *Dun dun dun*

"Sassy Grandma and goofy Grandpa"
Yes, folks, this is my boyfriend! A week ago today, we decided to take a walk(a "break") from studying and went for a wonderful walk in the most beautiful lightning storm imaginable(yes, I am biased to this particular night!). We walked quite a few laps and on the last, he asked me to be his girlfriend. :) With all smiles for the next few hours, everyone could tell, I said YES!

Yes, we make quite a pair!

This is us this last weekend right after our "date" to goodwill....with my sister. On this date we decided to go to Goodwill and pick out the most ridiculous outfit we could find and make the other wear it to school the following Monday. Although we decided to not make each other do that, the alternative was to take pictures and post them on Facebook for all our friends to see how crazy we are! The pictured shown above is what we looked like with the other choosing out an outfit. Doesn't he look adorable?! I certainly think so! :D

If you would like to read HIS half of the story just go to His Page to read all about it! He is the sweetest!