Blog Archive

Monday, May 13, 2013

Top ten [known] changes this year:

 1. I am going to be a wife.
 2. I am going to get a husband.
 3. My last name will change.
 4. I am moving out of state.
 5. I'm turning 23
 6. I will quit my job and start a new one in Arkansas.
 7. I am gaining a mother and father-in-law.
 8. I will start running my own house (or apartment).
 9. I got engaged.
 10. I will be attending a new church, with my new husband, and we will be starting a different kind of  ministry together.

These are just the changes that we are aware of so far. I cannot even describe the level of excitement for starting a new life with someone, and the balanced level of uncertainty with leaving my current life, living conditions, job, friends... The list can go on and on. However, for times sake, I shall stop there.

As an update for those who may not have known about #6, my fiancé got a job in Arkansas as an Assistant pastor at a Bible church. We are ecstatic (and nervous!) about this new direction the Lord is having us take right before we start our new life together. We ask for prayer and wisdom on other decisions we have to make and that God would give us abounding grace to get through these changes. 

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