Blog Archive

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kansas + Weather = A Happy Me

Ahhhhhhh........ :)

We have had much fine weather of late. I have much enjoyed watching the fluffy clouds pounce around in the sky. They move ever so quickly. If I am fast enough, I can catch some of the glory of it with my camera(which takes a lot of the glory from it, I must admit). When I finally get a good picture of the beauty God so frequently bestows upon us, I am thrilled. That way, I can keep it with me always(or until my hard drive goes out again).
Though I am not much of a picture-taker myself, I adore looking at the beauty others may capture in the their lens. The brilliance of such a thing. Some may not think of clouds in the way I do, but I care not. I am in LOVE with God's creation. It's true that the little things are what give us the most joy in life. Thunder clouds definitely do that for me.

Another thing that just thrills me to my very core would be thunder, lightning, and yes, call me crazy, but...TORNADOES!!!!!! Yesterday we had many come flying across the state. I did not have the pleasure of seeing one, but I feel sure to very soon. Which makes me extremely and incandescently happy.

Ahem, please pardon my excitement. I really am trying to stifle it. But, I guess it's no use.

Look at those billowing rolls!! Gorgeousness!

Yes, a happy me, indeed!

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