Blog Archive

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. my best friends' grandmother and he, will be coming to pick my sister and I up to take us to the airport, where from there he will be shipped off to basic training in San Antonio, Texas for 2 months.

I already miss him so much it hurts. My Body aches so deeply. Stress has set in. Depression will not fade. My eyes have dark circles already. I only haven't seen him in 2 hours, and will see him tomorrow morning, but there is such a hole in me. One that will be empty for quite some time. One that will not be filled until it's the right time.

The person that takes his place, though, will have to be an amazing person, indeed. He has filled such a void in me, that no one else had ever been able to. His generosity astounds me, his love, makes me blush inside, him in general, makes me smile that shines so brightly on my face.

But now...he's leaving. I will not see his face, stand by his side, or give him a hug for 2 months. Tomorrow is coming too fast, and I dreading it with everything in me! I can't describe how I am feeling other than a deep depression.

The next time(after tomorrow morning) I see him, will be in April, at his graduation from The Air National Guard basic Training! I cannot wait to see him!

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