I haven't mentioned this yet, because I 1) don't know if it will happen and 2) didn't want to get my hopes so far up to the point of telling people, just to have my own dreams crushed, once again.
But for two months, I have been planning on attending Northland International University in Dunbar, Wisconsin with an associates degree in Women and Family Ministries. I have had to many delays. Not sure who all to blame, and it doesn't matter, anyway. God is taking care of everything as I type, so I dont' worry about that.
I wish someone would have told me years ago how expensive college was/is... That would have helped A LOT of my stress and doubts about this next year of my life. But, God always seems to have a plan to stretch me, further my faith in Him and make me trust him whole-heartedly. Yes, I know He is taking care of me, but when I can't see what He is up to, I like most people get very uneasy. Me more than other, I think.
I thought I had everything in line, when-BAM! Something ELSE came up that went wrong, I needed to fix, or someone else plain screwed up.
I found out a week ago that I needed shots for school. I signed a waiver, but found out I cannot waiver ALL my immunizations. So, I went to the health department that next morning(After finding out at 3 a.m.!) and sat there waiting in line with every other person and their brother waiting to get THEIR shots for school that started this week. I knew it would be busy, but I didn't expect to sit there for 2 1/2. hours! I should have known... Oh well! There was no way to know since this was my first trip to the HD to actually RECEIVE shots. Anyway, I got there, got it done, went home, felt like C-R-A-P and went to bed. Went and ate, then went to bed again. I got the paper work finished. That's all I cared about! Alas, three days later I have the paper sent back telling me it was filled out incorrectly. The lady signed the paper 2021! Instead of, of course, 2011. So, I called and asked that they fax the proof of my immunization session to the school since they were the ones that messed up. Royally! I FINALLY got an email confirmation that it is indeed taken care of, this morning.
You think THAT is cuttin' it kinda close? Listen to this!
FAFSA. I needed my parents' tax information. MY tax information, a pin number, my mother's pin number and about a million other things, of which I did not have(of course) because I know the devil is trying to discourage me, well, guess what!! It ain't workin'! I know he is behind it, and will not have ANY part of it!
Anyway, back to the reason I brought FAFSA up. I needed this so the school could finish my Financial Aid part of my school file, but I had not yet gotten my Financial Aid application in yet, because there were, yet again, more problems.
This(Above) is about the number of books I am assuming I will have by the end of furthering my education.
I am not sure how to handle all of this because I don't know how to pay for school, and don't have any options as of right now. I am racking my brain. So far, I have come up with working more doubles at work and selling plasma. Well, I worked a few doubles, and am still virtually penniless. HA! I am going to try the whole Plasma thing...next week, hopefully, maybe. It's not much, but it might pay for gas for the trip there!
God WILL supply, this I know. I am always wondering "when" this will come to pass, though, and I end up not looking at what is right in front of me as His provision.
Please pray for me as I continue to seek God's will for my life and try to stay sane while doing it.
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