Blog Archive

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

God knew...

So, after my last rant about not having a job...I got one. God provided a waitressing job for me a few minutes from where I work. I love it. I get to interact with people and meet new ones, see older friends. It's the perfect job for me in this time in my life. God knew...And I knew He did. It, as we all know, is hard to see the big picture when we only have the paper to go off of. Yes, God has the crayons. He gets to draw the guide-lines, choose what colors we are in, what car we have and when, what house, what husband...These are all hard lessons to learn. Some of us even go through them, and don't learn the lesson that God meant to accompany it.
We, as humans, are selfish! Life is all about US! Well...That's what God comes in with His big RED crayon to correct any mistakes we made by picking up the wrong color before He was finished with showing us with what color to finish drawing. We are so impatient. I am a poster model for impatient. If you spend time with me at all, you will know this. We all are. No one of us want to wait for God's perfect timing if it doesn't include OUR time frame.
And you know what?! That is SO backwards from what it should be. We are to wait on Him. In HIS time! Hopefully there will come a day when I can say I have learned that lesson to the extent and in the way God intended me to. I pray I will meet HIS standards for my life. Not very one else's. That is pointless. What do we get from that???....Absolutely nothing that counts.
God knew when I was complaining and whining, that He was going to take care of me. But not in MY time. He showed me that and it was very humbling to know that no matter how long I tried where I applied, I wasn't gonna get a job without His okay.
That made me see things in a whole new light. God knew that's what it was going to take to break me.
Since I have started my job, I have been subjected to all sorts of foul language that I feel uncomfortable with. It is against what I believe, do myself, and think others should do. Please help me by praying that God would remind me to pray for the people who say something they shouldn't. Every time they cuss, take God's name in vain or just say something inappropriate, I try to pry for that person. Please help me by praying I would remember to do so.
Today, or yesterday rather, considering the time, I "happened" to come across this verse on a friends blog. I had actually not heard it before, so the newness of it helped me have a great thankfulness for it.
"Since you were precious in My sight, you have been honored, and I have loved you..." Isaiah 43:4
This helped me so much. Another one that helps as well when I am down is "And thou shalt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee."

Thank you so much for reading. I will try to update more often.


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