Blog Archive

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Unimportant Arguments

I hate fighting with God. No matter how much I get upset about things that I think he does just to irk me, if I go to Him, and appeal to Him, he is faithful and shows me again and again that He loves me and whatever I am being stupid and sensitive about, is actually for my own good and He is being my loving protector.

Passages like 1 Timothy 2 where it talks about the purpose of a women in the church makes me so mad. Guys get so much responsibility and God works through them in a great way. But what do I get? I get to pray? Behind the scenes? I'm supposed to submit? And stay quiet when it comes to teaching?

Sometimes, I plainly do not agree with what God does. But not too long ago. Like, literally 10 minutes ago, I went to Him and told him I wasn't happy. I was upset that I wasn't being "treated right" or wasn't getting the same "responsibility" men have in the church because of a woman HE made so long ago was deceived by a fallen male angel. This may not be correct to the whole extent, but that was my argument. But God answered faster than I could cry out.

"Do you trust Me?" He asked.
"... Sometime, I actually wonder.." I admit guilty.
"What have I done for you? Who am I? How much do I love you? he kept asking and I had no answer.


All right. Jesus? You win. Still. Again. Always.

I do love you. Thanks for loving me too.

P.S. No that was not the whole argument. I had a LOT more to say. And so did He. But this was the crucial part.

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